Weekly Live Music
An important feature of the Pure Kona Green Market has always been live music played by some of the best musicians and performers on Hawai'i Island. The many incarnations of Mauka Soul, along with the included 2 members of The Uncles (Solomon Choo and Chet Gardiner) have been anchoring the live music rotation for over 10 years. Maile often brings her Ohana and their classic Hawaiian music and Polynesian dance show. You might experience Maka's vocals and Ukulele, Ruby Flambé's vocals and Ukulele, the incredible duo Station 6, Mikey's guitar and vocals, local favorite Bolo, Derrick Kalima, Keoki Cortez and his band from Hilo side or the slack key style of Gunner. No matter who is playing, you'll love the music as a sound track for your market experience.
Tours of The
Amy Greenwell
Ethnobotanical Garden
On most market Sundays, a garden volunteer gives a free one-hour tour of the Garden. Meet at noon at the visitor's center. This is a "drop in/drop out" tour, depending on how much time you have. Learn about the rare and endangered plants, their traditional uses and some of the legends (mo'olelo) surrounding them. Your guide will give you the history of the plants that helped to sustain life for the first voyagers who came to the islands between 300 and 700 A.D. Donations to the Garden (a 501c3 nonprofit) are gratefully accepted.